Roadmap to 2030
As we make our way to 2030, there are a number of steps and milestones to achieve in preparation for the census. Our roadmap outlines best practices of the 2020 Census and the importance of engaging communities early for the next census count.
Census Community Messaging Guidance on Presidential Memorandum
President Trump released a memo on July 21, 2020, saying that undocumented communities will not count for dividing up Congressional representation between the states. The Presidential memo is unconstitutional and is being challenged by legal advocacy groups.
Stories for Change
The Census Counts campaign launched Stories for Change, an expanding and downloadable series of videos, quote graphics, and infographics, featuring whose lived experiences show the deep connections between census participation and a wide spectrum of advocacy, including racial justice, immigration, disability, labor, and faith.
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Census PSA Video
Empowering Pacific Islander Communities (EPIC) is very excited to share their newest Census PSA featuring the Executive Director of the NHPI Alliance, Kawen Toega Segaula Young.
How to Engage with Rural Communities about the 2020 Census in the wake of COVID-19
The Census Counts Campaign has compiled resources available around engaging with rural communities given concerns around COVID-19.
Arkansas Counts Census Mailer
This census mailer is a great resource created by Arkansas Public Policy Panel for the Arkansas Counts campaign.
Census Phone Banking Script
The Census Counts Campaign's census phone banking script to do outreach to communities on census participation.
Factsheet: Census Participation During COVID-19
Census Counts has created a factsheet outlining ways to engage with the census given the concerns and issues around COVID-19.
Webinar: Census Response Rates & Reaching Historically Undercounted Communities
Webinar: Census Response Rates & Reaching Historically Undercounted Communities
SiX Animated Census Graphics
Check out basic animations for state legislators and partners to use when promoting the census on social media created by the State Innovation Exchange (SiX).
NCAI’s “How-To” Guide on Virtual Canvassing
This is a special how-to guide on virtual canvassing created by National Congress of American Indians (NCAI).
AK Public Policy Panel 2020 Census: What You Need To Know
These posters were created by the National Education Association intended for classrooms around the country.
Hagase Contar FAQs
This resource answers all of the frequently asked questions on organizing in the field for census.
Census Social Media Graphics
These posters were created by the National Education Association intended for classrooms around the country.
Yalla Count Me In! – How to Fill Out the Race & Ethnicity Question
When it comes to the race & ethnicity question on any form, Arab Americans are often confused about how best to capture their identity. We have created a factsheet to easily explain how to answer one of the toughest questions.
Yalla Count Me In! – National Census Day of Action Social Media Toolkit
This social media toolkit provides a roadmap for individuals and organizations to help make sure everyone knows what the Census is, why it matters for Arab Americans, and how we all can make sure we, our families and our communities are counted fairly and accurately in 2020.
Yalla Count Me In! – 2020 Census Basics Factsheet
This factsheet is your go-to guide on all things 2020 Census. From how to answer the race and ethnicity question, to where to fill out your census form, this factsheet covers it all + the back is the same information translated into Arabic!
2020년 인구조사에 모든 사람들이 참여 하도록 노력합시다!
우리는 모든 사람들이 인종, 종교, 이민자 신분의 상태에 상관없이 하나님의 형상대로 지어졌다고 믿습니다. 하나님이 부여하신 인간의 존엄성이 공평하게 인정 받기를 요구합니다. 인구조사에 참여할 때 하나님이 주신 자기 존엄성을 인정하며 우리 존재를 선언하는 것입니다.
¡Asegurémonos que todos sean contados en el Censo 2020!
Creemos que todas las personas, independientemente de su raza, su religión o su estatus migratorio, están hechos a imagen de Dios. Nuestra dignidad concedida por divinidad exige un reconocimiento igualitario. Cuando participemos en el Censo, reclamamos nuestra dignidad concedida por Dios y declaramos que estamos aquí.
¡Cuenten con nosotros! Video
Este video de Faith in Public Life explica el próximo Censo 2020 y lo que está en juego.
Censo 101 de Fe Presentación
El Censo es un mandato constitucional del conteo de todas las personas que viven en los EE. UU. Todas las personas, independientemente de su raza, tradición de fe, estatus migratorio o estatus económico son contadas.
Queremos asegurarnos de que todas las personas, independientemente de su raza, edad o estatus migratorio sean contadas para que tengamos un conteo justo y preciso.
Kit de Herramientas de fe Para el Censo 2020 — (2020 Census Faith Toolkit)
Los líderes de fe se encuentran entre los mensajeros más confiables en nuestras comunidades y están posicionados para jugar un papel clave para asegurar que todos sean contados en el Censo 2020. Este kit de herramientas está diseñado para equipar a los líderes de fe como usted, con recursos, mensajes y pasos de acción para ayudarle a asegurarse de que cada adulto y niño en su comunidad sea contado, independientemente de su raza, tradición de fe, estatus migratorio o económico.
AAPI 2020: March Census Toolkit
As one of the fastest-growing populations, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) are growing in political power but our visibility and representation depends on ALL of us getting counted in the 2020 Census.
AAPI 2020: What NHPIs Should Know for March
As one of the fastest-growing populations, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (NHPI) are growing in political power but our visibility and representation depends on ALL of us getting counted in the 2020 Census.
AAPI 2020: Count Us In 2020 Resource
AANHPIs are growing in political power, but our visibility and representation depends on all of us getting counted in the 2020 Census. It only happens once every 10 years, so make sure you and your community get counted!
Sesame Street: “Make Your Family Count” Materials
Be sure to count all the kids living in your home, even if they're not related to you or are only living with you temporarily. That means all grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, foster children, and the kids of any friends or housemates living with you most of the time.
Count All Kids Stickers
Children should be included on your 2020 Census form—and not just children related to you, but any kids living at your address most of the time. When babies and children are included, the programs that support them get the funding they need.
Count All Kids Posters
Children should be included on your 2020 Census form—and not just children related to you, but any kids living at your address most of the time. When babies and children are included, the programs that support them get the funding they need.
Count All Kids Message Guide
This message guide is based on qualitative and quantitative message research that Count All Kids commissioned. The document is a reference for affiliates and partners to adapt and share messages about the 2020 Census with families that have young children.
GOTC Toolkit: Messaging & Media
This section of the toolkit outlines how to create messaging that resonates with people and how to use media outreach to move them to action. We want to help you move people from having a basic understanding about the census to sparking a genuine passion for making sure that they, as well as their families and communities, are counted.
Toolkit to Help Count Foster Children and Homeless Children
As the fastest-growing population, the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities are rising up. But, our visibility and representation depends on ALL of us getting counted in the 2020 Census!
Count All Kids FAQs
This resource answers all of the frequently asked questions on organizing in the field for census.
Count All Kids Toolkit
As the fastest-growing population, the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities are rising up. But, our visibility and representation depends on ALL of us getting counted in the 2020 Census!
Factsheet: Count All Kids – Spanish
The 2020 Census is coming! It is so important that everyone is counted - but there are questions in the disability community about how exactly individuals living in group homes will be counted. It can be confusing because the process for counting people in group homes may vary within regions or states.
Factsheet: How Are Group Homes Being Counted in the Census?
The 2020 Census is coming! It is so important that everyone is counted - but there are questions in the disability community about how exactly individuals living in group homes will be counted. It can be confusing because the process for counting people in group homes may vary within regions or states.
TOOLKIT: What To Know For March (NHPI)
As one of the fastest-growing populations, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) communities are growing in political power. But, our visibility and representation depends on ALL of us getting counted in the 2020 Census. It only happens once every 10 years, so make sure you and your community get counted!
TOOLKIT: What To Know For March (AAPI)
As the fastest-growing population, the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities are rising up. But, our visibility and representation depends on ALL of us getting counted in the 2020 Census!
Webinar: Questionnaire Assistance Centers and Libraries
Looking to learn more about how to address and protect against disinformation and the 2020 Census? This webinar discusses how to identify census disinformation, using the debunked home affairs hoax as an example.
Census Kiosk Sheet – Queer the Census
Learn how to fill out the Census in order to support your community.
Faithful Census Weekend: Get Out the Count in Your Congregation!
March 27th - 29th. Start making plans and working with your faith leaders to join this nationwide movement. Use this Toolkit to brainstorm ways to bring the Census into your house of worship.
GOTC Guide for Mobilizing Faith Communities
This resource guides you through planning for ways to get out the count in your community and goes over the do's and don'ts of supporting the Census.
Census 101 Presentation in Korean
Faith in Public Life's Census 101 Korean-language Presentation is a tool for people to educate their faith community about the 2020 Census and the moral imperative to encourage their community to be counted.
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