Make Yourself Count

Census data shape the future of our community and define our voices in Congress. It will determine how more than $1.5 trillion in federal government resources will be distributed each year; where schools, roads, and hospitals are built; how many congressional seats are apportioned among the states; and fair political representation in Congress, statehouses, and local legislative bodies.

Counting Young Children Helps Them Thrive
Counting Young Children Helps Them Thrive

Women, children, and families could miss out on resources they need to be safe, healthy, and successful.

Better Transportation Options
Better Transportation Options

Your community could miss out on transportation options people need to get to work and school.

Fair Representation and Political Power
Fair Representation and Political Power

Your community could miss out on fair representation.

Jobs In Your Community
Jobs In Your Community

If your community is not fully counted in the census, it will miss out on community development and investments that bring jobs to neighborhoods.

Affordable Housing
Affordable Housing

If your community is not fully counted in the census, more people will miss out on affordable places to live.

Access to Quality Healthcare
Access to Quality Healthcare

Your community could miss out when officials decide where health clinics should be located and how much funding they will get.

Clean Drinking Water
Clean Drinking Water

Your community could miss out on crucial investments in clean water and other investments in community and environmental well-being.

Better Schools
Better Schools

Your children could miss out on the educational resources they need and deserve.
