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Roadmap to 2030

As we make our way to 2030, there are a number of steps and milestones to achieve in preparation for the census. Our roadmap outlines best practices of the 2020 Census and the importance of engaging communities early for the next census count.

Count All Kids Toolkit

As the fastest-growing population, the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities are rising up. But, our visibility and representation depends on ALL of us getting counted in the 2020 Census!

Factsheet: Count All Kids – Spanish

The 2020 Census is coming! It is so important that everyone is counted - but there are questions in the disability community about how exactly individuals living in group homes will be counted. It can be confusing because the process for counting people in group homes may vary within regions or states.

TOOLKIT: What To Know For March (NHPI)

As one of the fastest-growing populations, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (NHPI) communities are growing in political power. But, our visibility and representation depends on ALL of us getting counted in the 2020 Census. It only happens once every 10 years, so make sure you and your community get counted!

Webinar: Census and Data

This webinar discusses census and data security, diving deeper into how the Census Bureau will be addressing security challenges on the first ever online census questionnaire. We also discuss how the Census Bureau keeps census data confidential and how census data are used to allocate federal funding.

Webinar: Best Practices and Staying Legal: Census Phone and Texting Outreach

As we approach the 2020 Census, many organizations nationally and locally are planning to use phone calls and peer-to-peer texting programs to Get Out The Count. The Census Bureau recently released guidance around outreach that seemed to prohibit utilizing such tactics to drive responses to the Census 2020. However, this messaging does not fully reflect the outreach options that organizations have when promoting participation in the Census. To ensure that everyone stay in compliance while maximizing census outreach, the Census Counts coalition is hosting a webinar to walk through what the guidance means, what organizations can and cannot do, and some best practices from the field.

Counting People in Correctional Facilities

Many people living in group quarters, such as correctional facilities, are at risk of being undercounted in the 2020 Census. This Group Quarters Operation fact sheet provides advocates and stakeholders with an overview of how people living in correctional facilities will be counted during the 2020 Census.

Counting Military Personnel

Many people living in group quarters, such as military personnel, are at risk of being undercounted in the 2020 Census. This Group Quarters Operation fact sheet provides advocates and stakeholders with an overview of how different types of military personnel will be counted during the 2020 Census.

Counting People in Health Care Facilities

Many people living in group quarters, such as health care facilities, are at risk of being undercounted in the 2020 Census. This Group Quarters Operation fact sheet provides advocates and stakeholders an overview of how people living in health care facilities, including nursing, residential treatment, psychiatric, and hospice facilities, will be counted during the 2020 Census.

Counting People Living in Crisis & Interim Housing

Many people living in group quarters, such as crisis and interim housing, are at risk of being undercounted in the 2020 Census. This Group Quarters Operation series fact sheet provides advocates and stakeholders with an overview of how people living in crisis and interim housing will be counted during the 2020 Census.

Counting People in Colleges & Universities

Many people living in group quarters, such as colleges and universities, are at risk of being undercounted in the 2020 Census. This Group Quarters Operation fact sheet provides advocates and stakeholders with an overview of how people living in college and university-run housing will be counted during the 2020 Census.

How Nonprofits Can Ensure an Accurate Census Count

Nonprofits can play a critical role in ensuring an accurate census count by making sure temporary census workers do not lose their public benefits, while working for the Census Bureau. Research from past advocacy campaigns demonstrates that residents are more responsive to answer the door for people from within their community. However, members of the hard to count community are often ineligible to work even temporarily as census enumerators without losing their public assistance. Each state agency that administers TANF, SNAP, Medicaid, or CHIP must elect to opt into a waiver process that protects the benefits of temporary census workers. Read this factsheet to find out more about the waiver process, and what you can do to ensure agencies in your state are opting in.

Webinar: Fundraising for Census 2020

This AAJC webinar discusses support from the Census Equity Fund for states lacking funding infrastructure and other census funding resources such FCCP and FCI resources for funders and stakeholders. APIAVote previews leadership and civic engagement training opportunities through their Norman Y. Mineta Institute and their work with local partners.

Why the Census Matters for People with Disabilities: A Guide to the 2020 Census Operations & Challenges

The Census Bureau has identified people with disabilities as a hard-to-count population, which means they are at a greater risk of being undercounted in the census. The 2020 Census will impact everyone, including people with disabilities, and it is important for everyone to know what resources are available and what funding resources will be impacted if the 2020 Census is not fair and accurate. This report coauthored by the National Disability Rights Network and Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality examines why people with disabilities are hard-to-count, the accessibility of the census and what is at stake for the next 10 years.

Census 101

Every 10 years, the United States conducts a “Decennial Census.” The goal of the census is to count every person who lives in the country where they live.

Race and Ethnicity in the 2020 Census: Improving Data to Capture a Multiethnic America

For more than 150 years, civic leaders used [census] information to advance discriminatory policies and maintain positions of privilege and power for the majority White population, even in the face of constitutional amendments abolishing slavery, establishing equal protection under the law, and guaranteeing voting rights for all Americans, regardless of race, ethnicity, and national origin.

The Census and Civil Rights

Communities of color, urban and rural low-income households, immigrants, and young children are all at risk of being missed at disproportionately high rates. Being undercounted deprives already vulnerable communities of fair representation and vital community resources.

Start preparing for the 2030 Census today!

Check out our Roadmap to 2030 to get started.

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