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An Introduction to the 2020 Census

A guide that gives a brief explanation of the Census and answers questions from the LGBTQ community about the name, sex, relationship, and household size questions. It also highlights the questions on the Census and breaks down some of the questions.

TOOLKIT: Holidays and the 2020 Census

The holidays are just around the corner, and it's a great time to talk about the Census! Whether your family is completely new to the Census or they're worried about the citizenship question, the toolkit "Dinner Table Tips for the Holidays" will give you the answers you need to get your folks counted.

2020 Faithful Census

In past censuses, millions of children, people of color, low-income people and immigrants have gone uncounted -- perpetuating systemic racism, undermining political representation, and underfunding resources we all use, everything from hospitals to roads to schools for the next 10 years. That is why Faith in Public Life put together a one minute video to explain the importance and encourage people to participate: check it out and share!

New Confidentiality Protections & the Implications for Data Users

The Census Bureau is modernizing its confidentiality protections for census responses. At the heart of this new approach is a mathematical definition of confidentiality called “differential privacy.” This fact sheet provides a brief and limited introduction to differential privacy, outlines the implications of the changes for data users, and encourages stakeholders to provide feedback to the Census Bureau. This fact sheet is published by the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality and its partners, Data & Society and The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights.

The 2020 Census & the Environment Factsheet

Census data are critical for advancing environmental justice and climate action. Researchers, advocates, and policymakers rely on accurate census data to identify the disparate impacts of the climate crisis, enforce an array of environmental protections, and ensure programs meet the needs of diverse communities. This fact sheet is published by the Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality and its partners, WE ACT for Environmental Justice and the Beeck Center for Social Impact and Innovation.

How Nonprofits Can Ensure an Accurate Census Count

Nonprofits can play a critical role in ensuring an accurate census count by making sure temporary census workers do not lose their public benefits, while working for the Census Bureau. Research from past advocacy campaigns demonstrates that residents are more responsive to answer the door for people from within their community. However, members of the hard to count community are often ineligible to work even temporarily as census enumerators without losing their public assistance. Each state agency that administers TANF, SNAP, Medicaid, or CHIP must elect to opt into a waiver process that protects the benefits of temporary census workers. Read this factsheet to find out more about the waiver process, and what you can do to ensure agencies in your state are opting in.

Webinar: Florida Faithful Census

As trusted messengers, faith leaders have a critical role to play in helping prepare their communities for the 2020 Census. This webinar explains the basics of the census, what’s at stake for Florida, and how people of faith can spread the word to ensure all people are counted. Featured speakers focus on racial equity and effective messaging on the census.

Webinar: Georgia Faithful Census

As trusted messengers, faith leaders have a critical role to play in helping prepare their communities for the 2020 Census. This webinar explains the basics of the census, what’s at stake for Georgia, and how people of faith can spread the word to ensure all people are counted. Featured speakers focus on racial equity and effective messaging on the census.

Webinar: North Carolina Faithful Census

As trusted messengers, faith leaders have a critical role to play in helping prepare their communities for the 2020 Census. This webinar explains the basics of the census, what’s at stake for North Carolina, and how people of faith can spread the word to ensure all people are counted. Featured speakers focus on the importance of counting LGBTQ people and children.

Webinar: Ohio Faithful Census

As trusted messengers, faith leaders have a critical role to play in helping prepare their communities for the 2020 Census. This webinar explains the basics of the census, what’s at stake for Ohio, and how people of faith can spread the word to ensure all people are counted. Featured speakers focus on the importance of counting children and Asian communities.

Webinar: Latinx Faithful Census

As trusted messengers, faith leaders have a critical role to play in helping prepare their communities for the 2020 Census. This webinar explains the basics of the census, what’s at stake for the Latinx community, and how people of faith can spread the word to ensure all people are counted.

Census Sabbath Kit

Faith in Public Life's Census Sabbath Kit includes resources for how to bring the 2020 Census into worship to help raise awareness about the importance of being counted. The kit includes a sermon guide, a litany, and relevant scripture from the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Quran.

2020 Census Faith Toolkit

Faith in Public Life's 2020 Census Faith Toolkit is designed for faith leaders to learn about the Census and the critical role they have in encouraging their communities to be counted. The toolkit includes talking points, worship materials, FAQs, and ways to engage the faith communities.

Webinar: Organizing, Engagement, and Census Bureau Outreach and Partnerships

This AAJC webinar covers the best field and communications strategies for getting out the count. We go over resources on how to mobilize communities to participate in the 2020 Census, language assistance, top messages that resonate with communities, social media tools, and more. The webinar also goes over how to foster partnerships and how to best work with the Census Bureau to achieve an accurate count of our communities.

Webinar: Fundraising for Census 2020

This AAJC webinar discusses support from the Census Equity Fund for states lacking funding infrastructure and other census funding resources such FCCP and FCI resources for funders and stakeholders. APIAVote previews leadership and civic engagement training opportunities through their Norman Y. Mineta Institute and their work with local partners.

Webinar: Census 2020 and Engaging the AANHPI Faith Community

This AAJC webinar discusses why the census is important for the AANHPI community and shares information such as the census enumeration timeline and language support, how to become a Census Faith Ambassador, what Census Faith Ambassadors can do to get out the count in their faith communities, and how faith groups can partner with the Census Bureau to ensure an accurate count.

Libraries’ Guide to the 2020 Census

GCPI and the American Library Association created a resource guide for librarians to use in supporting a fair and accurate count in the 2020 Census. Ensuring an accurate count of everyone in the 2020 Census is crucial for the appropriate distribution of federal funding and for reapportionment. Libraries can play an important role by answering questions about the census, providing access to internet-connected computers, helping to fight misinformation, and more.

Citizenship Question Nonresponse: A Demographic Profile of People Who Do Not Answer the American Community Survey Citizenship Question

This report shares an analysis of data nonresponse to the citizenship question on the American Community Survey. Nonresponse rates vary by demographic group but have been rising over time–showing an increased sensitivity to the question. It is expected that the nonresponse rate to the citizenship question on the 2020 Census will be even higher than the 6% nonresponse rate to the question on the ACS, and that the question will make the census more expensive and it’s results less accurate.

Start preparing for the 2030 Census today!

Check out our Roadmap to 2030 to get started.

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