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Webinar: Organizing, Engagement, and Census Bureau Outreach and Partnerships

This AAJC webinar covers the best field and communications strategies for getting out the count. We go over resources on how to mobilize communities to participate in the 2020 Census, language assistance, top messages that resonate with communities, social media tools, and more. The webinar also goes over how to foster partnerships and how to best work with the Census Bureau to achieve an accurate count of our communities.

Citizenship Question Nonresponse: A Demographic Profile of People Who Do Not Answer the American Community Survey Citizenship Question

This report shares an analysis of data nonresponse to the citizenship question on the American Community Survey. Nonresponse rates vary by demographic group but have been rising over time–showing an increased sensitivity to the question. It is expected that the nonresponse rate to the citizenship question on the 2020 Census will be even higher than the 6% nonresponse rate to the question on the ACS, and that the question will make the census more expensive and it’s results less accurate.

Census 101

Every 10 years, the United States conducts a “Decennial Census.” The goal of the census is to count every person who lives in the country where they live.

Start preparing for the 2030 Census today!

Check out our Roadmap to 2030 to get started.