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Webinar: Georgia Faithful Census

As trusted messengers, faith leaders have a critical role to play in helping prepare their communities for the 2020 Census. This webinar explains the basics of the census, what’s at stake for Georgia, and how people of faith can spread the word to ensure all people are counted. Featured speakers focus on racial equity and effective messaging on the census.

Webinar: North Carolina Faithful Census

As trusted messengers, faith leaders have a critical role to play in helping prepare their communities for the 2020 Census. This webinar explains the basics of the census, what’s at stake for North Carolina, and how people of faith can spread the word to ensure all people are counted. Featured speakers focus on the importance of counting LGBTQ people and children.

Webinar: Ohio Faithful Census

As trusted messengers, faith leaders have a critical role to play in helping prepare their communities for the 2020 Census. This webinar explains the basics of the census, what’s at stake for Ohio, and how people of faith can spread the word to ensure all people are counted. Featured speakers focus on the importance of counting children and Asian communities.

Webinar: Latinx Faithful Census

As trusted messengers, faith leaders have a critical role to play in helping prepare their communities for the 2020 Census. This webinar explains the basics of the census, what’s at stake for the Latinx community, and how people of faith can spread the word to ensure all people are counted.

Census Sabbath Kit

Faith in Public Life's Census Sabbath Kit includes resources for how to bring the 2020 Census into worship to help raise awareness about the importance of being counted. The kit includes a sermon guide, a litany, and relevant scripture from the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, and the Quran.

2020 Census Faith Toolkit

Faith in Public Life's 2020 Census Faith Toolkit is designed for faith leaders to learn about the Census and the critical role they have in encouraging their communities to be counted. The toolkit includes talking points, worship materials, FAQs, and ways to engage the faith communities.

Webinar: Census 2020 and Engaging the AANHPI Faith Community

This AAJC webinar discusses why the census is important for the AANHPI community and shares information such as the census enumeration timeline and language support, how to become a Census Faith Ambassador, what Census Faith Ambassadors can do to get out the count in their faith communities, and how faith groups can partner with the Census Bureau to ensure an accurate count.

Why the Census Matters for People with Disabilities: A Guide to the 2020 Census Operations & Challenges

The Census Bureau has identified people with disabilities as a hard-to-count population, which means they are at a greater risk of being undercounted in the census. The 2020 Census will impact everyone, including people with disabilities, and it is important for everyone to know what resources are available and what funding resources will be impacted if the 2020 Census is not fair and accurate. This report coauthored by the National Disability Rights Network and Georgetown Center on Poverty and Inequality examines why people with disabilities are hard-to-count, the accessibility of the census and what is at stake for the next 10 years.

Counting For Dollars: Why It Matters

The census is the basis for equal political representation under the Constitution. Policymakers use census data to identify community needs and to distribute federal program dollars to states and localities based on population numbers or other community characteristics that the census and related American Community Survey measure.

Census Health Care Factsheet

Health care providers, health insurance companies, government agencies, and beneficiaries need accurate information to make decisions regarding the products and services they provide and utilize. An inaccurate measure of the U.S. population and its characteristics could deprive the health care sector of vital resources needed to ensure it is meeting each community’s needs.

Start preparing for the 2030 Census today!

Check out our Roadmap to 2030 to get started.

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