Webinar: Census Disinformation
Looking to learn more about how to address and protect against disinformation and the 2020 Census? This webinar discusses how to identify census disinformation, using the debunked home affairs hoax as an example.
The Internet Response Option in the 2020 Census
This factsheet from Asian Americans Advancing Justice explains the internet response option for the 2020 Census.
The Internet Self-Response Portal: What to Expect
This fact sheet from Arab American Institute, New America, and The Leadership Conference Education Fund is focused on providing a snapshot look into the census internet self-response portal.
Webinar: Census and Data
This webinar discusses census and data security, diving deeper into how the Census Bureau will be addressing security challenges on the first ever online census questionnaire. We also discuss how the Census Bureau keeps census data confidential and how census data are used to allocate federal funding.
2020 Census Kiosk Toolkit
The 2020 Census Kiosk Toolkit is a guide and resource bank to help communities easily implement kiosk programs to encourage online census responses and ensure that all residents are counted.
Get Out the Count Cybersecurity Best Practices
The 2020 Census will be the first high-tech census and will be the first time there will be a widely available option to respond online. Learn how to ensure cybersecurity protections as you plan for 2020 Census outreach.
Webinar: Digital Tools – CommunityConnect Labs
This AAJC webinar covers how technology can provide census solutions and go over applications that will improve community participation in hard-to-count areas, make it easier to coordinate canvassing efforts, help recruit field staff, and report misinformation or other problems with census efforts.