AK Public Policy Panel 2020 Census: What You Need To Know
These posters were created by the National Education Association intended for classrooms around the country.
2020년 인구조사에 모든 사람들이 참여 하도록 노력합시다!
우리는 모든 사람들이 인종, 종교, 이민자 신분의 상태에 상관없이 하나님의 형상대로 지어졌다고 믿습니다. 하나님이 부여하신 인간의 존엄성이 공평하게 인정 받기를 요구합니다. 인구조사에 참여할 때 하나님이 주신 자기 존엄성을 인정하며 우리 존재를 선언하는 것입니다.
¡Asegurémonos que todos sean contados en el Censo 2020!
Creemos que todas las personas, independientemente de su raza, su religión o su estatus migratorio, están hechos a imagen de Dios. Nuestra dignidad concedida por divinidad exige un reconocimiento igualitario. Cuando participemos en el Censo, reclamamos nuestra dignidad concedida por Dios y declaramos que estamos aquí.
AAPI 2020: March Census Toolkit
As one of the fastest-growing populations, Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) are growing in political power but our visibility and representation depends on ALL of us getting counted in the 2020 Census.
AAPI 2020: What NHPIs Should Know for March
As one of the fastest-growing populations, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (NHPI) are growing in political power but our visibility and representation depends on ALL of us getting counted in the 2020 Census.
AAPI 2020: Count Us In 2020 Resource
AANHPIs are growing in political power, but our visibility and representation depends on all of us getting counted in the 2020 Census. It only happens once every 10 years, so make sure you and your community get counted!
Sesame Street: “Make Your Family Count” Materials
Be sure to count all the kids living in your home, even if they're not related to you or are only living with you temporarily. That means all grandchildren, nieces, nephews, cousins, foster children, and the kids of any friends or housemates living with you most of the time.
Count All Kids Posters
Children should be included on your 2020 Census form—and not just children related to you, but any kids living at your address most of the time. When babies and children are included, the programs that support them get the funding they need.
Be Counted Flyer
The National Education Association's Be Counted Census Flyer is a great way to spread the word of the Census in your communities. The flyer is perfect for bulletin boards and newsletters.
NEA Census Artwork
These posters were created by the National Education Association intended for classrooms around the country.
Brochures Designed for Offices
Brochures targeted towards several different service providers, including SNAP, housing, legal, and medical offices. The brochures explain why the Census is important and highlights different statistics related to undercounts and social service funding streams.
Faith Census Flyer
Faith in Public Life's Faithful Census Flyer is a great way to spread the word of the Census in faith communities. The flyer is perfect for bulletin boards and newsletters.