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Count All Kids Posters

Children should be included on your 2020 Census form—and not just children related to you, but any kids living at your address most of the time. When babies and children are included, the programs that support them get the funding they need.

Count All Kids Message Guide

This message guide is based on qualitative and quantitative message research that Count All Kids commissioned. The document is a reference for affiliates and partners to adapt and share messages about the 2020 Census with families that have young children.

Count All Kids Toolkit

As the fastest-growing population, the Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities are rising up. But, our visibility and representation depends on ALL of us getting counted in the 2020 Census!

Factsheet: Count All Kids – Spanish

The 2020 Census is coming! It is so important that everyone is counted - but there are questions in the disability community about how exactly individuals living in group homes will be counted. It can be confusing because the process for counting people in group homes may vary within regions or states.

Be Counted Flyer

The National Education Association's Be Counted Census Flyer is a great way to spread the word of the Census in your communities. The flyer is perfect for bulletin boards and newsletters.

Webinar: North Carolina Faithful Census

As trusted messengers, faith leaders have a critical role to play in helping prepare their communities for the 2020 Census. This webinar explains the basics of the census, what’s at stake for North Carolina, and how people of faith can spread the word to ensure all people are counted. Featured speakers focus on the importance of counting LGBTQ people and children.

Webinar: Ohio Faithful Census

As trusted messengers, faith leaders have a critical role to play in helping prepare their communities for the 2020 Census. This webinar explains the basics of the census, what’s at stake for Ohio, and how people of faith can spread the word to ensure all people are counted. Featured speakers focus on the importance of counting children and Asian communities.

Start preparing for the 2030 Census today!

Check out our Roadmap to 2030 to get started.

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