What's at stake in the 2030 Census?

Filling out your census form helps determine how many books and computers our kids’ schools can afford, whether seniors in our communities can afford heating in the winter, if there are bus routes where we need them, and whether communities have fair political representation.

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As we look ahead to the next census, Census Counts has the resources that you need to prepare.

Roadmap to 2030 Census
Roadmap to 2030 Census
Get Your Community Counted!
Get Your Community Counted!
American Community Survey
American Community Survey

The latest stories from censuscounts.org

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Stakeholder Convening: State and Local Government Stakeholders: March 14 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm EDT

/ March 13, 2024
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How To Write In A New Race On The Census Form

/ August 28, 2020
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Finally, The 2020 Census Counts Same-Sex Couples

/ August 28, 2020
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Being Counted Means Ensuring Healthcare for Our Kids

/ August 28, 2020
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