2020 Census Arab American Toolkit
Census Reference Day is April 1, 2020. Advance letters will be sent March 12-20 and will include a unique ID number inviting you to fill out your Census survey. About 20% of people will also get a paper form in English and Spanish sent to them with the letter. However, anyone who does not respond online will receive a paper form by the fourth mailing from the US Census Bureau mailing from the Census. The Census form has 10 simple questions about each member of your household that should take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Remember, the Census counts all people living in the United States on April 1, 2020, regardless of citizenship or immigration status.
Arab Americans are part of communities across the country, from Maine to California, and need to be fully counted so our cities, counties, and states receive the resources they need for vital public services like schools, roads, hospitals, and emergency responders.