People who live in Utah could miss out on a lot if everyone is not counted in the Census. Utah could lose out on the political representation it deserves. And people and communities could be denied money that they need for schools, community health care, jobs, and transportation.

In 2016, Utah received more than $5 billion from federal spending programs guided by data derived from the 2010 Census. Utah can’t afford to miss out!

Contact these Utah partners to get involved. The Census Counts. So do you.

State Contacts:

Voices for Utah’s Children

Terry Haven
[email protected]

Community Action Partnership of Utah

Clint Cottam
801-433-3025 ext. 0
[email protected]

Casey Logan
801-433-3025 Ext. 703
[email protected]

Featured Resource

Census 2020 Video
The Utah Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and Voices for Utah Children explain why it’s important to count all children in the 2020 Census