People who live in New Jersey could miss out on a lot if everyone is not counted in the Census. New Jersey could lose out on the political representation it deserves. And people and communities could be denied money that they need for schools, community health care, jobs, and transportation.

In 2016, New Jersey received more than $22 billion from federal spending programs guided by data derived from the 2010 Census. New Jersey can’t afford to miss out!

Contact these New Jersey partners to get involved. The Census Counts. So do you.

State Contacts:

Advocates for Children of New Jersey 

Peter Chen
[email protected]

New Jersey Institute for Social Justice 

Patricia Williamson
[email protected]

Featured Resources

New Jersey Complete Count Commission
The State Complete Count Commission is planning outreach strategy for a campaign organized by state government to improve Census accuracy in 2020.
Factsheets on Hard-to-Count Communities
The Fund for New Jersey created fact sheets for hard-to-count populations by legislative and Congressional district in NJ available on their website.
Census 2020 NJ Coalition
The Census 2020 NJ Coalition is a statewide outreach and awareness campaign to coordinate nonprofit and community-based efforts to ensure an accurate 2020 Census count for our state. The Census 2020 NJ Coalition is working together with the State of New Jersey Complete Count Commission and the U.S. Census Bureau to make sure the public has clear, accurate information about the importance of the upcoming Census.