People who live in Maine could miss out on a lot if everyone is not counted in the Census. Maine could lose out on the political representation it deserves. And people and communities could be denied money that they need for schools, community health care, jobs, and transportation.

In 2016, Maine received more than $4 billion from federal spending programs guided by data derived from the 2010 Census. Maine can’t afford to miss out!

Contact these Maine partners to get involved. The Census Counts. So do you.

State Contacts:

Maine Association of Nonprofits

Sarah Skillin Woodard, Advocacy & Public Affairs Director
[email protected]

Maine Children’s Alliance

Helen Hemminger, Research and KIDS COUNT Associate
[email protected]
207-623-1868 x203

League of Women Voters of Maine

Jennifer Murray, Education and Engagement Projects Manager
[email protected]

Featured Resources

Why Maine Nonprofits Should Care About the 2020 Census
Results of the U.S. 2020 Census will influence individuals, communities, governments, for-profit entities, and nonprofit organizations throughout the next decade. Data obtained will inform decision makers in all sectors and lead to allocation of political power and financial resources. If the data are wrong, there will be inequitable distribution of resources for basic community needs, such as education, food and income security, health care, housing, transportation, and much more. The allocation of $600 billion in federal funds hinges annually on the decennial data, including funding for state and local governments, as well as for nonprofits to deliver services to individuals and communities.
Census 2020 Webinar
Advocating for a fair and accurate census count is a critical equity strategy. Historically, the census has missed or under-counted disproportionate numbers of racial minorities, immigrants, young children, and economically disadvantaged individuals, leading to inequality in political power and less access to public funding and private investment for these communities. The MPC’s Advocacy Committee recently hosted a webinar on the 2020 Census in Maine and why you should be involved.
Mainers Need an Accurate Census
This is a two page brief about counting young children in Maine and how the census affects funding for critical programs for children and families.