Administrative Records in the 2020 US Census

Article I, Section 2 of the United States Constitution places the census at the core of our democratic system of governance by requiring a count of the nation’s population every 10 years. The information provided by the census and the related American Community Survey form the cornerstone of knowledge about the American people. It is the basis for virtually all demographic and socioeconomic information used by policymakers, educators, and community leaders.

We also know that, when it comes to the census, Congress will continue to cast a laser-like focus on controlling costs, without fully understanding how reductions can affect an accurate and equitable census.

Counting every person residing in the United States is a difficult endeavor. When people are missed in the census, we do not receive the equal voice to which we all are entitled. As a result, our government and communities are unable to receive their accurate share of federal and state funding for schools, crime prevention, health care, and transportation. An accurate census directly affects our nation’s ability to ensure equal representation and equal access to important governmental resources for all Americans, and thus must be regarded as one of the most significant civil rights issues facing our country today.

Working together, we can ensure that everyone is counted.