2020 Get Out the Count Community Engagement and Communications Toolkit
There is a lot at stake with the 2020 Census, and we must work to ensure our AANHPI communities are counted fully and accurately. AANHPIs have been undercounted for decades, disadvantaging their families, communities, and neighborhoods. Today, roughly one in five Asian Americans and one in three Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders live in hard-to-count neighborhoods. Some AANHPI communities are especially at risk of being missed in the census count because of greater challenges in finding stable and affordable housing; higher incidences of poverty, unemployment, and lower educational attainment; and greater language barriers.
This toolkit aims to provide partners like you with information and tools to talk about the census, reach and mobilize your communities to participate in the 2020 Census, and make your voices heard. Inside this toolkit, you will find information including answers to frequently asked questions, how to access language assistance resources and services, top messages that resonate with your communities, social media tools that can help you activate your communities online, and more. For more information and additional resources, please visit our 2020 Census website at www.CountUsIn2020.org. Thank you for your efforts to activate your communities around the 2020 Census!