April 1st is a crucial moment in the 2020 Census and marks an important reference point in the process. Over 70 organizations within the Census Counts campaign coalition have issued the following joint statement for Census Day about the importance of the 2020 Census in making sure that every community receives the resources and political power they deserve.

To sign your organization to this statement, please email Lina Saleh at [email protected]


“The census builds America, so the census should look like America. If we’re all counted in the 2020 Census, we’ll have a true snapshot of the country: children and adults of all ages, races, nationalities, disabilities, sexual orientations and gender identities, and religions.

“Getting counted in the census gives all of us citizens and non-citizens, people who are housed and unhoused, people who can vote and people who cannot a chance to shape the future of our communities. Filling out the census helps determine how many books and computers our kids’ schools can afford, whether seniors in our communities can afford heating in the winter, and if there are bus routes where we need them. Each person who gets counted builds political power for our communities and gives us our fair say in selecting our leaders — from the president and Congress, all the way to city council and school boards.

“People across America are keeping their families and communities safe and healthy by staying home, or serving the public by providing essential services. Responding to the census yourself online, by phone, or through the mail is another way to do your part and help keep your community strong. Everyone can be a census advocate by teaching their friends and neighbors about how getting counted in the 2020 Census can build a stronger America.

“Every person in every community across the country deserves to be counted in the 2020 Census — and the next 10 years of our country’s future depends on it.” 

Signing Organizations


Advocates for the Children of NJ

The Alabama Hard to Count Collaborative

American Association of People with Disabilities

American Atheists

American Federation of Teachers

Arab American Institute

The Arc of the United States

Asian American Federation

Asian and Pacific Islander American Vote (APIAVote)

Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon (APANO)

AZ AANHPI For Equity

Balsz Elementary School District

Border Network for Human Rights

Center for Civic Policy

Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP)

Center for Pan Asian Community Services, Inc.

Center for Transforming Communities

Children’s Defense Fund – Minnesota

Chinese Planning Council


Civic Nation

Creative Alliance

Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA)

Coalition on Human Needs

Colorado Children’s Campaign

Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy, and Research Organization

Common Cause

Colorado Common Cause

Common Cause in Hawaii

Common Cause Illinois

Common Cause Indiana

Common Cause MN

Common Cause North Carolina

Common Cause Pennsylvania

Common Cause in Wisconsin

Community Resource Exchange

Count Me INdy

Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund

Diversity Matters

Faith in Public Life

Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM)/Community Change


Gateway Community Services Maine

Georgia Association of Latino Elected Officials (GALEO)

Girls, Inc.

Global Cleveland

Hester Street

Hip Hop Caucaus

Jewish Council for Public Affairs

Kentucky Youth Advocates

Latino Action Network

Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law

League of Women Voters of the United States

League of Women Voters of New Jersey

Maine Association of Nonprofits

Make The Road New Jersey

Mi Familia Vota

Minnesotans for an Accurate Census (MACS 2020)

MN Census Mobilization Partnership

MN Council on Foundations

Mohawk Valley Community Action Agency

Montana Nonprofit Association

Montgomery Counts

NALEO Educational Fund

National Association of Human Rights Workers

National Center for Learning Disabilities

National Coalition for Literacy

National Coalition on Black Civic Participation

National Council of Churches

National Disability Rights Network

National Education Association (NEA)

National Fair Housing Alliance

National League of Cities

National LGBTQ Task Force

Nebraska Counts

NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice

New York Counts 2020

New York Immigration Coalition


Nonprofit Vote

Ohio Environmental Council

Oklahoma Policy Institute

Partnership for America’s Children

People For the American Way

PFLAG National

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Poder Latinx

Progressive Leadership Alliance of Nevada

Proyecto Juan Diego


South Asians for America

State Innovation Exchange (SiX)

State Voices

Students Learn Students Vote Coalition

Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition

Texas Counts

Texas Progressive Action Network

United Activities Unlimited, Inc.

United Way Worldwide

United We Dream

Urban League of Broward County

Voices for Progress

When We All Vote

Women Creating Change


Start preparing for the 2030 Census today!

Check out our Roadmap to 2030 to get started.

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